create-blender-project is a tool accessible via the command line / terminal.It creates a new blender project with the following directories:
- –assets
- –blend-files
- –render-output
- –results
The command has one (optional) parameter: project name. If the parameter is not specified, the terminal will ask for a project name.
Use create-blender-project
- 1.Download the source code of the project (as a .zip file or via git clone).
- 2.Make sure the create-blender-project file is flagged as executable, if not run $ chmod +x create-blender-project
- 3.Open a new terminal window and navigate to the directory in which you want to create a new blender project (using cd)
- 4.Run $/path/to/file/create-blender-project <Optional parameter: Project name>
Install (Make accessible in terminal)
If you want to install create-blender-project and make the command accessible anywhere in the terminal, copy the create-blender-project file to the following directory: /usr/local/bin/Now you can access it without specifying the location of the file, like this: $ create-blender-project <Optional parameter: Project name>.